Management of customer invoices

Send your invoices electronically. Put an end to manual invoicing, switch to 100% electronic invoicing and look forward to 2026.

Request a demo

What Freedz brings to your customer invoices

More economical

Reduced processing time and costs. Reduced penalties for delays. Reduced archiving costs.

More productive

Removal of manual tasks. Accelerated interdepartmental traffic. Limits the solicitations of your suppliers.

More reliable

Conformity and readability checks. Elimination of input errors and loss of documents.


Integration of your invoices into your business software. Data recovery and fine-tuned integration into ERP systems.

More secure

As part of the PDP,
we are ISO 27001 and SecNumCloud certified.

Automate the sending of your invoices

  • Dematerialize the sending of your invoices to your customers and to the Chorus Pro platform (Public Invoicing Portal).
  • Electronic archiving with legal value (10 years).
  • Follow-up on the processing status of your invoices.
  • Regulatory control of the invoice (obligatory mentions, respect of the invoice format, VAT amount etc.) 

Manage your emission modes

  • Several possibilities to send your invoices to your customers: EDI, web portal...
  • Support and transmission of different invoice formats (UBL, CII, Factur-X, PDF, CPP invoice). 

Submit your invoices on Chorus Pro

  • Since 2020, companies working for the State or the public sector are required to submit invoices on Chorus Pro.
  • With Freedz, automatic deposit of your invoices on the Chorus Pro platform (Public Billing Portal).
  • Return of the deposit status of your invoices.

Ready for 2026!

  • Freedz, Partner Dematerialization Platform, meets your business needs while complying with the regulatory and technical requirements of the French government.
  • Electronic archiving with legal value for 10 years

Ready to unlock the potential of your accounts receivable?

Request a demo

Our users testify

From administration and finance to IT and real estate, our users tell us why they chose Freedz.

Lionel Bérard

Third-party accounting manager

Improve the efficiency of accounts payable while maintaining control

Vincent Gremillet

Vice President, Finance & Information Systems

Find an alternative to Chorus Pro for supplier accounting management

Cyrille Vincent

Chief Information Officer

Reduce processing time and prepare for reform

PDP Certification
for real estate and construction

Ready for 2026

Freedz, Partner Dematerialization Platform, meets your business needs while complying with the regulatory and technical requirements of the French government.

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