Company organisation

Innovation, sécurité, IA : ce qui attend les DSI en 2025
Innovation, sécurité, IA : ce qui attend les DSI en 2025 En 2025, les Directeurs des Systèmes d’Information (DSI) doivent relever des défis technologiques et organisationnels majeurs. Loin d’être de simples gestionnaires de l’infrastructure IT, ils sont devenus des acteurs stratégiques, garants de la transformation numérique et de l’innovation. Entre intelligence artificielle (IA), cybersécurité, gestion […]
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What are the challenges facing CFOs in 2025?
What are the challenges facing CFOs in 2025? What are the challenges facing CFOs in 2025? What issues will become increasingly important in the coming years? In 2025, Administrative and Financial Departments (DAF) will be operating in a complex environment marked by political uncertainty, [...].
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CSM at the heart of customer satisfaction at Neovacom
The CSM, or Customer Success Manager, helps customers to get to grips with the Freedz platform (a product of Neovacom). A key contact for customers, he or she is often a key player in customer follow-up, helping to build customer loyalty. Ondine Sanchez, Customer Success Manager at Neovacom for the Freedz invoice dematerialization platform, talks about this key role in customer support.
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What are the challenges facing CIOs in 2024?
The year 2023 has, more than ever, confirmed the growing power of artificial intelligence (AI), with the arrival of Chat GPT in particular. While its domination is not yet total, it is clear that AI is taking a leading role in all activities and sectors, a role that has not escaped the attention of information systems managers. Indeed, AI could become a valuable ally in meeting the major challenges facing CIOs in 2024: cybersecurity and the explosion of data. The year will also be marked, among other things, by regulatory changes in the area of non-financial reporting in the financial sector, and the strengthening of cybersecurity on a European scale. Between challenges and opportunities, in 2024, CIOs are on the starting blocks! We tell you all about it in this article.
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What are the challenges facing CFOs in 2024?
The start of a new year is usually an opportunity to put into perspective the challenges facing administrative and financial departments (CFOs) in their business activities. For its 12th edition, PwC, in partnership with the DFCG, questioned 200 CFOs about their new priorities and challenges for 2024. It is clear that, as in 2023, the geopolitical context and market volatility will continue to make their activities just as complex. In 2024, the time has come to explore "strategies and practices that enable Finance Departments to evolve in 3 dimensions": resilience, innovation and sustainability. Here's how.
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CFO and CIO: how will electronic invoicing improve their collaboration?
The widespread introduction of electronic invoicing from 2026 (postponed from 2024) is taking place against a backdrop of increasing digitalization of all business functions. Widely publicized in the media, this reform promises companies lower costs, greater efficiency and greater transparency in their business transactions. However, to reap the full benefits, CFOs and CIOs need to work together to take account of business issues and the impact on their company's IT systems. Is electronic invoicing a perfect opportunity to develop collaboration between CFOs and CIOs? We explain.
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Office managers: 3 innovative solutions to bring to your company
Being an effective office manager means first of all being able to find innovative solutions to every problem. Discover here the solutions to implement in three key areas of your organisation: QWL, recruitment and administrative management.
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Accounting entry: how to reduce the risk of errors?
The responsibilities of accountants are numerous and so are the risks of error. These can range from a simple error in entering an amount to a duplicate transaction or one entered in the wrong account. But it is entirely possible to improve the performance of your accounting department by adopting the right solutions.
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Tax audit: 3 points of vigilance for CFOs
In France, corporate income tax is calculated on the basis of the company's annual profit declaration. This return may sometimes be audited by the tax authorities, particularly if any gaps, errors or omissions are noted.
As Administrative and Financial Director, one of your main tasks is to ensure that the company's accounts are properly kept. You must also put in place the necessary tools (certified accounting software, etc.) to comply with legislation. To avoid tax audits, here are 3 points to watch out for.
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Office managers: 3 regulatory points of attention for your company
Company regulations are constantly changing. Office managers, here are 3 regulatory points not to be overlooked in the management of your company.
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DAF - 5 lessons from the 2020 / 2021 confinements
Containment has changed business practices across all departments. As a CFO, you may have lessons to learn from this.
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Balance sheet: understanding and simplifying the preparation of this document
Find out how centralised supplier accounting can save you time in preparing your balance sheet.
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