Author : Grégoire H

Digital transformation: electronic invoicing as a gateway to dematerialisation

Digital transformation: electronic invoicing as a gateway to dematerialisation

Digital transformation is no longer a trend, but a necessity. A concrete example that confirms this is the obligation, by 2026, to dematerialize invoices, following the finance law for 2020. Find out in this article how electronic invoicing can become a gateway to digital transformation.
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CFO's eye #2 - Camille Soulier, CFO at Germinal

CFO's eye #2 - Camille Soulier, CFO at Germinal

Meet Camille Soulier, CFO at Germinal, a start-up that is overturning the codes of corporate culture and reinventing its model to get through the health crisis.
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Office managers: 3 regulatory points of attention for your company

Office managers: 3 regulatory points of attention for your company

Company regulations are constantly changing. Office managers, here are 3 regulatory points not to be overlooked in the management of your company.
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Professional expenses and expense reports: optimise your management from A to Z

Professional expenses and expense reports: optimise your management from A to Z

From the simple (but very effective) automation of your accounting tasks, to the optimisation of your budgets and expense reports; here are some good practices that can be easily implemented so that you can finally spend time on your business rather than on your accounting. Follow the guide!
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DAF - 5 lessons from the 2020 / 2021 confinements

DAF - 5 lessons from the 2020 / 2021 confinements

Containment has changed business practices across all departments. As a CFO, you may have lessons to learn from this.
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CFO's eye #1 - Laurent Michelet, CFO at Matera

CFO's eye #1 - Laurent Michelet, CFO at Matera

As Matera has just raised €35m, we met their CFO, Laurent Michelet. The role of the CFO in a startup, the importance of fundraising, corporate culture... We discussed all the subjects that are at the heart of the ecosystem and that make startups succeed (or fail).
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Balance sheet: understanding and simplifying the preparation of this document

Balance sheet: understanding and simplifying the preparation of this document

Find out how centralised supplier accounting can save you time in preparing your balance sheet.
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Accounts Payable: a plea to end manual invoice management

Accounts Payable: a plea to end manual invoice management

Do you want to convince your management to switch to a paperless invoice solution? Here are the arguments for doing away with manual management.
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Financial management: how to combat transfer fraud?

Financial management: how to combat transfer fraud?

Like all finance departments, you are facing a formidable threat: money transfer fraud. More and more sophisticated techniques are being used to extort money from companies. In this article, we explain how to recognise a transfer fraud and how to protect yourself against it.
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5 pitfalls to avoid when choosing your dematerialization solution

5 pitfalls to avoid when choosing your dematerialization solution

Do you want to adopt a dematerialization solution for invoices? Be careful! Here are 5 pitfalls to avoid when choosing your dematerialization solution.
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False supplier fraud: what are we talking about?

False supplier fraud: what are we talking about?

Among frauds targeting businesses (7/10 were attempted at least once in 2019), fraud against false suppliers is the most widespread. Read our quick point to better understand and prevent this risk.
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How long does a company keep its invoices?

How long does a company keep its invoices?

Keeping invoices can be useful in the event of a dispute with a supplier, for example. And, provided you have an efficient archiving system in place, it can also provide access to information if needed over the long term. Above all, whether in electronic or physical form, every company has a duty to keep certain documents. How long do you have to keep invoices?
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